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The snack food industry presents small and scattered innovation, and features become the development direction

From the perspective of market brand competition, the concentration of leisure food brands is relatively weak, but affected and restricted by many factors such as the industrial chain, the concentration of China's leisure food market is relatively strong. In addition, snack food stores are developing rapidly, and channels are changing to individualization. It is estimated that by 2020, the sales of my country's snack food industry may exceed 2 trillion yuan.

At present, there are hundreds of thousands of snack food enterprises in my country, the industry sales revenue and compound growth rate exceed 20%, and the annual sales have exceeded one trillion yuan. According to this trend, it is estimated that by 2020, the sales of my country's snack food industry will reach or exceeded 2 trillion yuan. The following is an analysis of the snack food market.

At present, my country's leisure food market presents such characteristics: there are many leisure food enterprises, presenting a small and scattered situation; the industry concentration is low; in terms of production technology, new product development and channel construction, local enterprises lag behind foreign brands , unable to keep up with the pace of market development, and mostly concentrated in the low-end snack food market; the mid-to-high-end snack food market has been monopolized by foreign capital, and foreign capital and joint ventures have occupied an absolute advantage in the snack food market.

From the perspective of market brand competition, the brand concentration of leisure food is relatively weak, but affected and restricted by many factors such as the industrial chain, the market concentration of leisure food in China is relatively strong. It is gratifying that, in response to the diversified demands of consumers and the huge market gap for leisure food, some local governments have begun to consciously integrate local enterprise resources and vigorously cultivate a special market for leisure food.

Snack food stores are developing rapidly, and channels are changing to individualization. In recent years, leisure snack stores have developed rapidly, which not only innovated channels, but also greatly promoted the development of snack food industries in various places. The snack products in the snack store are relatively rich. Not only is the unit price high, but the conversion rate of potential customers is also high. The daily turnover of casual snack stores with an area of about 100-200 square meters is between 10,000-20,000 yuan, or even more than 20,000 yuan. ten thousand yuan.

Nuts are both healthy and delicious, which is in line with the consumption upgrading trend. From 2005 to 2014, the domestic roasted nuts market maintained a double-digit growth rate. By 2014, the sales of the domestic roasted nuts industry reached 111.7 billion yuan. We predict a 10% growth in 2015. In 2015, the sales of the domestic roasted nuts industry It will exceed 120 billion yuan, accounting for more than 30% of the entire snack food industry. From the perspective of the scale of e-commerce for nuts, it is estimated that the market size in 2015 will be 8-10 billion yuan, and the penetration rate of e-commerce for nuts is only about 8%. Greater room for growth.

From the perspective of the scale of the leisure food market, the compound annual growth rate of my country's leisure food retail market was 12.67% from 2009 to 2014, and the retail revenue in 2015 reached 393.1 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth rate of 12.9%; it is estimated that by 2019 my country's leisure food retail The market size will reach 598.7 billion yuan. As for the sales scale of the snack food e-commerce market, there is currently no industry authoritative data, so we can only make a simple calculation. According to business consultant data, roasted nuts account for nearly 20% of the e-commerce sales of snack foods. According to previous estimates, the sales scale of e-commerce nuts and nuts in my country in 2015 is about 8 billion to 10 billion yuan, and the sales scale of snack food e-commerce can be calculated It is about 40-50 billion yuan, and the penetration rate of e-commerce is 10%-12%.

According to the survey data of the snack food industry, 58.4% of people pay more attention to the nutrition and health of food when choosing snack food. They pay more attention to the green, natural and healthy food. Also very interested. With the development of the times, the current snack food sometimes becomes a kind of food for addition or meal replacement, and becomes a part or even a substitute of the main meal.

At present, my country's leisure food can be roughly divided into eight categories, namely, puffed cereals, fried nuts, fried potatoes, fried grains, non-fried nuts, confectionery, meat, poultry and fish, and dried foods. Vegetables and fruits. Among them, candy, candied fruit, puffed food, and cereals are the earliest and most mature categories in the snack food industry, and have formed a strong echelon of leading brands. In addition, traditional snacks such as shredded beef, dried tofu, melon seeds, rice cakes, steamed buns, rice crackers, and stewed meat have gained a large number of fans through continuous innovation by enterprises, coupled with improvements in marketing ideas, and have become emerging leisure foods. Food category, but there is no national strong brand yet. It can be said that whoever seizes the minds of consumers first is the first.