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Are crispy mushrooms really nutritious?
Shiitake mushrooms are known as the "Queen of Mushrooms" and are known as "mountain delicacies" among the people. They are deeply loved by people and are a rare and ideal health food.
The fat content of dried mushrooms is about 3%. The iodine value of the fat is 139. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, of which the linoleic acid and oleic acid content is as high as 90%. Since shiitake mushrooms are rich in essential fatty acids, they can not only lower blood lipids, but also help lower serum and cholesterol levels and inhibit the formation of arterial thrombosis.

Dried mushrooms contain a lot of minerals, including 124mg of calcium, 415mg of phosphorus and 26mg of iron. They can be used as a good source of calcium, iron and phosphorus. In addition, shiitake mushrooms also contain trace elements such as manganese, zinc, copper, magnesium, and selenium, which can maintain normal body metabolism and extend human life. It also has good preventive and therapeutic effects on the growth and development of children in certain mineral-deficient areas. The carbohydrate content of dried shiitake mushrooms is as high as about 54%, and the content varies slightly between different regions and strains. It contains hemicellulose as the largest carbohydrate, in addition to polysaccharides, trehalose, glucose, glycogen, pentosan and mannitol. Dried mushrooms contain more vitamins, including vitamin B10.07㎎, vitamin B21.13㎎, niacin 18.9㎎, and less vitamin C. According to research, shiitake mushrooms also contain ergosterol and mycosterol. The former can be converted into vitamin D under sunlight, so shiitake mushrooms are one of the important foods against rickets.

Dietary fiber; Shiitake mushrooms are rich in dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal motility, help the body remove garbage, prevent symptoms such as poor defecation, and effectively reduce belly fat. In addition, it can also inhibit fat absorption and has a very good weight loss effect. Moreover, shiitake mushrooms have relatively low calories, so they are a good slimming delicacy no matter how they are cooked.

Lentinan; Lentinus edodes also contain a high-purity, high-molecular-structure glucan, lentinan, which has antiviral, interferon-inducing, and liver-protecting effects. Patients suffering from hepatitis B often consume it Shiitake mushrooms can not only improve the body's immune function and reduce alanine aminotransferase (SGPT), but also prevent further development of the disease. In addition, lentinan also has anti-tumor effects and is effective against lung cancer, breast cancer, gastric cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, and uterine cancer.

β-Glucosidase; In recent years, American scientists have discovered that mushrooms contain a kind of "β-glucosidase". Tests have shown that this substance can significantly enhance the body's anti-cancer effect. Therefore, people call mushrooms "anti-cancer". Cancer Recruit.”

Ergosterol; Ergosterol, the active ingredient in shiitake mushrooms, can be converted into vitamin D if exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D is an indispensable substance for the body to regulate calcium and phosphorus metabolism. It can promote the growth and calcification of bone tissue. Therefore, shiitake mushrooms are one of the important foods to prevent rickets in children and rickets in adults.

Interferon inducer; Shiitake mushrooms can also resist cold viruses, because Shiitake mushrooms contain an inducer of interferon, which can induce the production of interferon in the body and interfere with the synthesis of viral proteins, making it unable to reproduce, thereby causing the human body to produce immunity.

Lentinus; Lentinus edodes are rich in the alkaloid lentinine, which has the effect of lowering blood cholesterol and can effectively prevent arteriosclerosis.

Lentinus; Lentinus edodes contain "lentin", which can enhance the function of the heart, liver, thyroid, prostate and other glands, and has the health care functions of anti-aging, enhancing human vitality and making people energetic.

Vitamins; Shiitake mushrooms contain a variety of vitamins that can prevent and treat various diseases caused by vitamin deficiency, such as oral ulcers, beriberi, keratitis, skin diseases, anemia, night blindness, etc.

Nucleic acid; Shiitake mushrooms contain a nucleic acid substance that can inhibit the increase in cholesterol in serum and liver, prevent vascular sclerosis and lower blood pressure. It is a good dietary therapy for patients with hypertension and diabetes.

Water-soluble lignin; According to a research team from the University of Tokyo, Japan, water-soluble lignin extracted from shiitake mushroom tissue has the function of stimulating macrophages, helps strengthen bone marrow cells in the blood, and has an effect on the proliferation of HIV. Strong inhibitory effect.